
"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million." -Walter Streightiff

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Build It! March 5-9

We spent the week building all kinds of things with all kinds of different materials- 
gumdrops and toothpicks...
and even pretzels and cheese cubes!
Marble runs were created...
We were real builders with real tools as we drilled, hammered and screwed pieces of wood.
Roller brushes were used to paint on building shapes.
We built ramps to walk up and down
and bridges to cross as we sang
"London Bridge is Falling Down".
Spiders build webs to catch their prey- we read The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle
and then we worked together to build a web of our own outside.
The Three Little Pigs were great builders.
We read some fun books about those pigs and their building skills. This one is an all-time favorite...
This one is from the wolf's point of view...
and this one is about a big bad pig and three wolves who were good builders...
We used "straw", sticks and bricks to build some houses.
After our practice with building like the three pigs, we practiced huffing, puffing and blowing just like the big bad wolf...
Wow! Blowing was hard work.

Building with different materials helps us to build strength in our finger and hands. Figuring out what fits where helps us with perspective along with balance and stability. A lot of cooperation and problem solving went on as well. We created structures of our own design and used them for pretend play. Telling what we made encouraged language.
And you thought we were just building... 

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