
"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million." -Walter Streightiff

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Frozen Fever

After reading a a book which was a summarized version of the story "Frozen",
we began our week with a progressive art project. 
Day 1 involved using shades of blues, purples and pinks for the background of our project. We painted on real art canvas so the texture was a bit different. We had different sized brushes to choose from.
We saw first hand how salt helps melt ice. We were each given a frozen "Elsa" hand that needed to be thawed. We used brushes and eye droppers to paint and dribble salt water over the ice. Inside the frozen hands were treasures for us to recover. 
On day 2 of our progressive art project, we added glittery white paint to simulate the snow in our frozen landscape.
We had a frozen pond for ice skating to "Frozen" music. Our stocking feet worked well as our ice skates. We spun around in circles and even tried skating backwards and on one foot.
Day 3 had us adding assorted beads and baubles and other loose materials to various colors of glue. We stirred the mixture and poured it over our painting. We used craft sticks to scrape the canvas with our mixtures.
Do you want to build a snowman? We did! We used white socks filled with rice to design snow friends. 
Our snow friends were given special names. We sang "Frosty the Snowman" and added verses to include our own special snow friends with button and pom pom noses and googly eyes. 
Sparkly play dough with jewels, beads and buttons was a fun addition to our "frozen" week.  
We concluded our week by watching the movie and singing along with all of the songs!

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