
"There are no seven wonders of the world in the eyes of a child. There are seven million." -Walter Streightiff

Monday, April 23, 2012

Rockin' Robots April 9-13

We spent the week rockin’ with all kinds of robots!

Nuts and bolts were used to put together a robot of our own design.

We played a game called "Build a Robot". We had to spin a spinner to get a certain number. Then we picked a robot part from that numbers pile of parts. We made some pretty rockin’ robots!
We had fun with colorful gears as we discovered the way they move.
With robot shapes, we used chalk to add features to our robot. Using chalkboard erasers, we were able to make them over and over again.
Robots blocks were lined up and stacked one on top the other to create tall robot towers.
Experimenting with batteries, lights, motors and buzzers was a favorite activity of the week.
To the tune of Henri Mancini’s "Baby Elephant Walk", which sounds like the perfect music for rockin' robots, we used robot parts like nuts, bolts, gears, springs, etc. for printing onto paper for some interesting designs.
Several robot books became our favorites, including, Robobots by Matt Novak, (this one topped the list!) 

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice byTed Dewan
 and Benjamin McFadden and the Robot Babysitter by Timothy Bush.
Robots are definitely rockin'!