...when a ship sailed into view. We knew it was a pirate ship because it was adorned with a flag that had a skull and crossbones on it- the Jolly Roger.

We kept an eye on the ship and soon the pirates began rowing to shore. As they rowed, they sang:
"Row, row row your boat,
Safely cross the sea.
Yo ho, yo ho,
A pirate's life for me."
When they came ashore, the captain of the ship (who was massive) yelled, "Ahoy thar mateys!"
He introduced himself as Boris Von der der Borch. Hey- we knew him from the pirate book, Tough Boris by Mem Fox! (He's not near as tough as he would like us to think!)
He and his crew were scruffy but of course, "all pirates are scruffy". Pirates have green teeth, if they have any teeth at all (that's because they don't brush them). We learned this when we read, How I Became a Pirate by Melinda Long.
He was so impressed with our digging skills, he asked us to join them on their treasure hunt. We agreed to join him and his crew.
We adorned ourselves with pirate attire before heading out to sea. We sang as we sailed,
"Sail, sail, sail your ship,
Safely 'cross the sea,
Yo ho, yo ho,
A pirate's life for me."
We sailed for hours, perhaps even days. We had plenty to do. We swabbed the deck, ate hard tack and drank plenty of ale.
Only a couple of us had to walk the plank.
We listened to the pirate crew tell stories of their adventures. We loved the tale of Edward and the Pirates by David McPhail.
We made our own treasure maps to pass the time.
One bright, sunny morning, we heard a fellow swashbuckler up in the crow's nest holler, "Land ho!" Now it was time for the real adventure- the treasure hunt. We followed the clues on the map- we passed the sea serpent, mermaids on the rocks, skull island and the dolphins in the cove. This led us to X marks the spot!
What a lucky find! There was treasure enough for all of us!
Boris and his crew left us with our treasure (he's not so greedy after all). Our new pirate friends are off on another adventure because we all know-
some pirate treasure has never been found...
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