We did a lot of practicing before we actually made real cookies. We practiced with spatulas, rolling pins, cookie cutters, wooden spoons and felt beanbag cookies.
Our sensory table was filled with cookie decorations- different sizes and colors of buttons and pom poms. We stirred them, sorted them and even used them for our gingerbread friends.
Our next step in practicing was mixing up some playdough. We stirred it, rolled it, squished it and cut it. We used buttons, sticks and even birthday candles for decorations. Some of us made birthday cookies and sang, "Happy Birthday"!
This fingerplay is a favorite!
Five little cookies at the bakery shop, (hold up five fingers)
All decorated with sugar on top. (wiggle fingers as in "sprinkling")
Along came ____________ (child's name)
With a penny to pay, (Hold out hand as in "paying")
She(He) bought one cookie and she(he) walked away!
We used spatulas and our handprints to decorate aprons so that we could help bake at home.
After reading The Gingerbread Man over and over and over again, our first real baking adventure was rolling, cutting and decorating gingerbread friends of our own.
Wow! Aren't they beautiful? But, not too beautiful to eat... And, ours didn't even escape!
Winding down the week, we made everybody's favorite-
chocolate chip cookies!
And you all know what happens when you give a kid a cookie...
Topping the list of favorite books of the week, were-
Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar? by Bonnie Lass and Philemon Sturges, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff and our all-time favorite- The Gingerbread Man by Jim Aylesworth and Barbara McClintock!
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