After reading The Emperor's Egg
and finding out that emperor penguins are the largest in the world (a male is about 4 feet tall), we found out how we "measured up" to an emperor penguin.
Penguins have a white belly with a black head and back and beaks for catching their food. They live in Antarctica, where they waddle across the ice...
After a female emperor penguin lays an egg, she waddles off to sea and leaves the male to keep the egg warm. They must keep it off of the ice and out of the wind. What better way to do that than to rest it on top of your feet!
Penguins don't seem to mind the cold Antarctic weather because they have thick feathers and lots of fat under their skin to help them stay warm. When it gets really cold, they all snuggle up together and shuffle over the ice in a great big huddle- just like in Cuddly Dudley!

When they get to a slippery slope, they slide down on their tummies, pushing themselves along with their flippers.
When the egg hatches, the father penguin has to keep the chick warm the same way he kept the egg warm.
Some of us just wanted to cuddle our babies:)
I'm a little penguin, black and white.
I waddle to the left and I waddle to the right.
I can't fly, but I can swim,
I waddle to the ocean and jump right in!
We had so much fun sliding into the ocean just like the playful penguins in Penguins to the Rescue.
Penguins eat fish, squid and krill. After reading Tacky the Penguin,

we played a fun math game, rolling dice for our snack of goldfish crackers.
Musical ice floes" gave us a chance to move around in the ocean like penguins. We had to listen for the music to stop and then find an ice floe to jump on.
Playful little penguins had an amazing time in Antarctica! We had penguins frozen in colored ice cubes. They slipped and slid, jumped and dived on our paper...
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