The most important thing about "me" is my name! It is the most personal and special thing about me. We did activities with our very special, unique names. We read Chrysanthemum, a story about a little mouse whose name was very special to her until she went to school and the other kids teased her. In the end, she was back to loving her very unique name.

We counted the letters in our names and used watercolors to decorate our names for our books, "All About Me".
Using our amazing fine motor skills, we made bracelets with the beginning letters of our names.
A flower garden on the wall shows how tall we each are. We compared our heights to each other's using the words like shortest, tallest, smallest and biggest.
Standing on a scale, we were able to see how much we weight. WOW! We are all getting so big!
We read and talked about our hands and fingers...
"Where is Thumbkin" is a favorite song of ours...
We painted our hands and printed them on paper.
Then we used our fingers and hands for finger painting. It was a great sensory experience and also a great activity for color mixing.
Our next investigation was our fingerprints. We printed each of our fingers and thumbs on our hand shapes. We are each unique, just like our fingerprints!
While listening to a favorite song by Parachute Express, "High 5 Ious", we ran around the play yard giving "high fives". We looked around for hands to "high five"- hand prints hidden around the yard!
We read The Foot Book and then we used our feet for painting- another awesome sensory experience.
That's what it's all about!
We read the book, Two Eyes, a Nose and a Mouth.
and I Like Me.
Everybody is different. We looked in a mirror to see our special characteristics- the color of our eyes, our hair, the shape of our nose and mouth. Then we used basic shape faces to create self portraits.
We opened our mouths and counted our teeth.
We read The Shape of Me and Other Stuff,

moved to "Head and Shoulders, Knees and Toes"
and then used the chalkboard and chalk to trace around our "shapes".
We've spent lots of time talking about our physical body parts- the parts we can see. We read The Way I Feel
and talked about different feelings and what makes those feelings surface.
Can you guess how we feel?
Last, but certainly not least, we talked about what holds our bodies us so we don't tumble around and fall like rag dolls. It's Dem Bones!
We did the "Skeleton Dance" to move our parts with bones to the song "Wiggle Your Bones".
It's been a busy couple of weeks.
I've learned a lot about me!
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