We talked about the wind and how it is air that is moving. After reading Who Took the Farmer's Hat? and The Wind Blew, we turned on the fan for some indoor wind.
To the tune of "Have You Seen the Muffin Man",
we sang:
The wind was playing tricks today.
It almost blew me far away.
It almost knocked me off my feet.
As I went walking down the street.
The next time that I go outside.
The wind won't take me for a ride.
I know just what I will do.
I'll put some glue on the bottom of my shoe!
We used pinwheels to "see" the wind blow...
We took them outside to try as well...
Will the wind blow it? We predicted whether or not certain things would blow in the wind, and then we used a blow dryer for blowing.
We used balloons to dip in paint and print on kite shapes...
When they were dry, we added tails and a string.
We read The Flyaway Kite,
and then we took our kites outside and flew them as we sang, "Let's Go Fly a Kite"...
We talked about extreme wind- tornadoes and hurricanes. We read The Magic School Bus Inside a Hurricane.
A tornado in a bottle illustrated for us the shape of a tornado.
After reading Hurricane! about a family who lives by the ocean and heads to a shelter when a hurricane hits their town,
The Grumpalump
is a fun story to dramatize so we did just that. "Just what is a grumpalump?", you might be asking, as did the animals in the book. As they each reacted to the "lump" it only continued to "grump" until the "gnu blew" and only then did we figure out its identity.
The bear stared...
We also found some worms who had escaped the soggy ground.

the cat sat...
the mole rolled
the dove shoved...
the bull pulled...
the yak whacked
the armadillo used it for a pillow.
And then, the gnu blew.
The grumpalump was a hot air balloon!
We talked about where we would go in a hot air balloon....
Next, we celebrated the sun with our book, The Contest Between the Sun and the Wind.
Can you tell who won by looking at the cover of the book? It's an Aesop's Fable. Perhaps knowing that will help:)
Using the salad spinner, we created suns by dripping in yellow, orange and red paint. As we "spun", we sang, "You are My Sunshine".
They were each unique.
When they were dry, we decided to add some rays and a background.
We couldn't talk about weather without including rainbows. We talked about how and when rainbows might appear. Could we try and catch a rainbow? The character in our book tried and actually succeeded, in A Rainbow of My Own.
Using cardboard arcs, we created rainbows by dipping them in the colors of the rainbow and printing them on our papers. Once again, each unique.
Next, we started our study of clouds. Looking at the clouds can tell us a lot about weather.
It's fun to look up in the clouds and see pictures just like in the book. We used a cottonball dipped in black paint to make our clouds. It looked like..., but it was really a cloud!
We talked about the water cycle and used cotton balls and blue water to illustrate it. We used tongs to pick up cotton balls and dip them in the water to absorb the water. We then squeezed the cotton balls to make it rain, and on and on...
We went on a cloud walk to not only see pictures in the clouds, but to match the clouds we see to our cloud viewer. We saw numerous cumulus clouds. We thought a storm might be brewing...
We had fun jumping in puddles.
We also found some worms who had escaped the soggy ground.
Next, it was all about rain.
We read and sang, It's Raining, It's Pouring
and then headed outside to pretend it was raining. Umbrellas added to our dramatization.
Rain makes puddles! After reading Puddles,
we did some puddle jumping, with worms!
We had worms to put in our puddles (1 through 10) as we jumped in them. We were careful not to step on our worms as we jumped.
After reading Thundercake, we created a thunderstorm of our own with rhythm sticks. We added to our dramatization of a storm with the music, "Little April Showers" from the movie, "Bambi".
This was a great culmination to our weeks on weather!
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