we used water color paint to paint on people shapes of different people colors to illustrate that even though we're not all the same color, we can all be friends and be kind to one another.
I have a dream...
We read some of Dr. King's speech about his dreams for the world.
We talked about dreams. Things like, what is my dream for when I grow up? What is my dream for the world? What can I do to change the world?
We wrote our dreams on "cloud" shapes and then glued on some cotton balls to make it look like a dream...
I can dream like Martin Luther King...
To further illustrate our theme of "We are All Alike...We are All Different", we did two different experiments. One was with m & m's.
They're all different colors on the outside, like all of the people in The Colors of Us,
they all were the same or tasted the same on the inside. We did the same thing with eggs. We had some gorgeous cage-free eggs whose colors reminded us a lot of the people in our book- colors like cinnamon, honey, chocolate, french toast, etc. We also had some white eggs. We each chose one egg and then cracked it open only to discover they all were the same on the inside.
They made great scrambled eggs for lunch!
We used the same colors as in The Colors of Us- red, white, black and yellow, to mix together and create a new color. We used the new color to paint our hands and print them to go along with the following lyrics written by Ben Harper-
"I can change the world
with my own two hands
make a better place
with my own two hands
make a kinder place
with my own two hands"...
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