Little children want to play!
It was fun to play with umbrellas even when it wasn’t raining!
To the tune of
“Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?”
we sang:
Come under my umbrella, umbrella, umbrella,
Come under my umbrella, it’s going to storm
There’s thunder and lightning and wind and rain.
Come under my umbrella, it’s going to storm!
One of our favorite books was Thunder Cake by Patricia Polacco.
We made a thunderstorm of our very own with rhythm sticks, as we listened to "Little April Showers" from the movie Bambi.

It’s raining, it’s pouring, the old man is snoring.
He bumped his head when he went to bed.
And he couldn’t get up in the morning!
Kin Eagle wrote some more verses to this song. We read the book over and over again.
We read It Looked Like Spilt Milk by Charles G. Shaw.
and made some clouds of our own with cotton balls dipped in white paint.
We had pretend puddles to jump in. Worms were wiggling around in them.
Speaking of worms, we chanted, "Herman the Worm"
Sittin’ on the fencepost, chewin’ my bubblegum(pretend to chew gum, make chewing sound)
Playing with my yo yo. Woo, woo. (pretend to play with a yo yo)
When along came Herman the Worm
He was this big! (Show with hands size of worm. Herman gets bigger with each verse)
I said, “Herman, what happened?”
He said, “I ate a/an________________”.
Repeat three or four times adding a new food or whatever Herman ate.
Last verse:
Sittin’on the fencepost, chewin’ my bubblegum
Playing with my yo yo.
When along came Herman the Worm
He was this big! (With thumb and index finger, indicate a very small worm)
I said, “Herman, what happened?”
He said, “I burped!”.
One morning after it rained, we went on a worm hunt. We found a lot of "sleeping" worms, but only one that was "awake".
We painted with worms! Ewwww!
We practiced making worms with playdough!
We headed to Boulder to the Weather Station. We made tornadoes, rainbows, clouds, lightning and more, with the equipment they have there.
Then, we headed outside to hike, climb
and enjoy the gorgeous weather!
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