In our reading corner was a spider web with a spider hanging down from a
silken thread. We read about The Very Busy Spider by Eric Carle and how she spun her web.
We went on a spider hunt and brought back two real spiders to observe for the week. We found both of them on the front porch of our play yard. One was kind of a cream color- it's been on the front porch for a long time. We've watched it spin webs and move from place to place. The other one was brown with striped legs.
We had a spider web obstacle course in which to play! We stretched a long piece of yarn or string between pieces of furniture like chairs and table legs to make a spider web. We had to crawl over and under the silken threads. Some of us enjoyed jumping into the web like jumping spiders!
We sang to the tune of "Five Little Ducks":
One little kid went out to play,
Along a spider's web one day,
He (She) had such enormous fun
He (She) called for another little kid to come.
Our sensory tub was filled with spiders. We used tongs and tweezers for picking them up and sorting them. There were big ones, little ones, orange, purple, green and black ones. But, they all had 8 legs!
"I Spy Spiders" was our table game of the week. We had a spider web filled with spiders and insects. Using pictures of particular spiders like hobo spiders, brown recluse spiders, daddy long legs, black widows, etc., we used our "I Spy Eyes" to match them to spiders hidden in the web. The number 8 and the letter "S" were hidden in the web as well. Can you guess why?

We sang "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and read the book by the
same name by Iza Trapani.

We changed the words to sing about a "Great Big Spider":
The great big spider went out one day to play.
Down came the rain and then he couldn't stay.
Out came the sun and dried up all the rain,
Then the great big spider went out to play again!
Then, we painted great, big spiders to hang from our spider web! We talked about the parts of a spider and that every spider has eight legs!

Roly Poly Spider by Jill Sardegna was one of our favorite books of the week. We read it many times.
Using beads and pipe cleaners, we made roly poly spiders of our own. We poked pipe cleaners through a hole in the bead- great for eye-hand coordination!
While we sang all of our spider songs, spiders dipped in paint, crawled, jumped and spun on spider web shapes to create beautiful masterpieces.
Pretend spiders accompanied us on many of our play scenarios this week. We took them for walks and danced with them. They climbed through our obstacle course, slid down our slide, went round and round on the Sit and Spin and jumped.
They were very busy spiders!
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