Our sensory tub was a habitat for big cats that live all over the world. For this week only, the big cats shared the same habitat and all seemed to get along pretty well just like all the animals did in Two Ways to Count to Ten: A Liberian Folktale by Ruby Dee and Susan Meddaugh.
They had a rock to climb on, mud and gravel to walk through, and a watering hole in which to congregate.
Using orange and black paint, we created some really awesome tiger masks. We talked about how a tiger has stripes and we used the black paint to make stripes on our tigers.
Look at these ferocious tigers. Grrrrrrrrr!
We played a game called "Kitty Cat, Kitty Cat, Tiger", kind of like "Duck, Duck, Goose". We all sat in a circle. One of us (the tiger) walked around and tapped each head calling out, "kitty cat". The kitty cats said, "meow". When "tiger!" was called out, the one whose head was tapped, jumped up, growled and chased the tiger around the circle. We played over and over again until everyone just wanted to be tigers and run around in a circle.
On the floor were cat footprints. Cats of all kinds walk on all fours, so we got down on our hands and knees and moved like tigers, jaguars, cheetahs, lions, panthers and other big cats.
We dipped pom poms in yellow paint and printed them on lion shapes.
Then we used our hands dipped in brown paint to give our lions manes. We talked about how only male lions have manes.
A favorite song and activity of ours is, "Goin' on a Lion Hunt".
Goin' on a lion hunt (slap knees and clap hands alternately)
Gonna find a big one
I'm not afraid
I'm so brave.
Look! (Point straight ahead)
A mud puddle
Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta go through it!
(Squish hands together, dramatize getting muddy-Yuck!)
Tall, tall grass
Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta go through it!
(Rub hands together, sneeze, scratch from the itchy grass)
A lake
Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta swim through it!
(Hold breath and dramatize swimming)
A mountain
Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta climb it!
(Make climbing motion with arms)
A cave
Can't go over it
Can't go under it
Can't go around it
Gotta go in it!
(Pat knees and clap hands softly)
Oooh, it's dark in here.
I see two gleaming eyes.
I feel a furry head.
I feel a wet nose.
It's a tiger!
Slap hands on knees as in funning fast.
Climb the mountain, down the mountain
(Climbing motion with hands)
Through the lake,
(Swimming motion)
Through the grass,
(Rub hands together, sneeze, scratch)
Through the mud,
(Squish hands together)
Open the door, up the stairs, under the bed. (dramatize)
Goin' on a lion hunt (sing quietly)
Gonna catch a big one
I'm not afraid,
'Cause I'm asleep.(Pretend to fall asleep)
We played it many times during the week.
We even added new verses like:
Look!- a pile of sticks (snap fingers), a tree (pretend to climb), a monster truck (pretend to drive)
Using homemade binoculars, we went on a safari, looking for lions hidden throughout the room. We took turns hiding them and finding them.
There was a Lion Den where we could hang out with all kinds of stuffed big cats- leopards, tigers, lions, and more.
On a map of the world, we matched big cats to the continents in which they live.
A jaguar's spots are like our fingerprints- unique to each individual jaguar. We dipped different sizes of spools in black paint and printed them on jaguar shapes to create a jaguar with its own unique pattern.
We loved the book, Jaguar by Helen Cowcher and we were very happy that the hunter did not shoot the jaguar.
We used the parachute to act out the chant, "There was a Great Big Cat":
There was a great big cat (spread the parachute out wide)
And a wee little mouse (come to the center with the parachute)
That ran around and around (run around)
In a high, high house (raise parachute)
That wee little mouse (come to center)
Got caught at last (snap parachute)
Because that great big cat (spread parachute out wide)
Ran around, so fast! (run around in a circle)

We completed our walk with the "big cats" by dipping stamps with "cat" footprints into different colors of paint and printing them onto paper.

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