Cars, trucks, buses, trains, boats, bicycles and planes are all "ways to go".
We dipped cars, trucks and buses in paint and raced them around on paper. More fun than that, though, was washing and rinsing them when we were done painting.
We experimented with ramps of different lengths...
Trains are a fun "way to go". After reading some train books-
we sang along with I've Been Working on the Railroad by Nadine Bernard Westcott.
Down By the Station by Will Hillenbrand is another fun sing along...
We were able to read along with Donald Crews' Freight Train...
We used shapes- circles, squares, rectangles and triangles to make shape trains.
Tracks and trains are great for pretend play..
Who Sank the Boat by Pamela Allen 
set the stage for playing with boats in the water,
decorating sails for our own sailboats,
and then playing "Sink or Float". We took turns finding things to put in the water. First we had to make a prediction...would it sink or float? Then we tested our guess. Sometimes we were right. Other times we weren't.
The Airplane Alphabet Book showed us all kinds of different planes.
Paper airplanes proved to be a favorite of the week. With lots of practice, we became quite proficient at throwing them through our ring of targets.
We culminated our week by moving to and singing our favorite "Ways to Go" songs.
Row, row, row your boat...
Motorboat, motorboat, go so slow...
I have a little bicycle...
I was going down the road doing 90 miles an hour, when the chain on my motorcycle broke...
I'm a little piece of tin, nobody knows what shape I'm in...
The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round...
Here comes our choo choo train...
Fly, fly, fly your plane...