Some of us even dressed up like Pilgrims to honor the occasion.
We used vegetables for painting. Some we used for printing like green pepper, turnips and potatoes. Others we painted with, like green beans and carrots. We rolled the corn on the cob back and forth for an interesting design.
The Enormous Carrot by Vladimir Vagin was another favorite of ours.
We dramatized the story of "Stone Soup" while we listened to this tale about sharing and friendship- a perfect tale for Thanksgiving. This gave us practice for making our own "stone soup".
Our goal was "stone soup" or a better name would perhaps be "friendship soup"- we all worked together to cut up all kinds of vegetables and then put them in a pot for some yummy soup. As it simmered, we sang to the tune of Row, Row, Row Your Boat,:
Stir, stir, stir the soup,
Gently with a spoon,
Stir it left, stir it right,
It must be done by noon.”
We read Cranberry Thanksgiving by Harry and Wende Devlin and used the recipe in the book to make cranberry bread using the secret ingredient. We had it with our "friendship soup" for lunch.
Beans of all colors and sizes filled our sensory bin. They're so much fun to pour, measure, sort and shake!
We rounded up the turkeys just in time for Thanksgiving. We painted our hand and thumb brown and then picked colors for our fingers- the turkey’s feathers!

We sang a song about turkeys to the tune “Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?”:
Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble
Fat turkeys, fat turkeys.
Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble
Fat turkeys are we.
We walk very proudly
And gobble so loudly
Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble
Fat turkeys are we!
Happy Thanksgiving!